
  • We don’t enroll children under the age of 5.
  • Parents/Guardians must sign in and sign out their children at each lesson (under 15 years).
  • No refunds or credits for missed classes by the student.
  • Discounts apply for 2 or more enrolled students within the same household.
  • We don’t take any responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen articles.
  • Students should take care of their personal belongings.
  • Parents/Guardians/Friends/Family may wait in the lobby, but may not interfere.
  • Eating or chewing gum during class is strictly prohibited
  • Attire: comfortable or training clothes for Bollywood, no jeans allowed.
  • Classical dances: students should buy uniform from the studio.
  • We encourage our students to practice and the parents to be involved in our program.
  • Tuition must be paid prior to their first lesson.
  • All students must fill out an application prior to their first class.
  • No running, jumping, or unruly behavior will be tolerated.
  • You should be having fun while dancing!!